The “Alte Hammerschmiede” (old forge)

In Anthering-Acharting, in an idyllic forest glade, the Alte Hammerschmiede has been located – since 1730 – at the place where the water of the torrent flowing past could once be best used to drive the large blacksmith’s hammer.
The hammer forge in Acharting was once widely known. The farmers and craftsmen came from all around to buy the well-forged tools. The hammer blacksmith also had a good name as a farrier. The farmers from the Haunsberg and the surrounding areas took their horses and oxen to the hammer mill for shoeing – because well-adapted horseshoes were considered to be a valuable aid for the work of the animals in the forest and field.
The hammer forge was always bustling with life and the people who came to get tools always had “old” and “new” things to tell each other. So the „Hammerschmiede“ was already a sociable meeting place in the past. Despite the heavy blacksmith work, the hammer smith and his “ruassig’n G’sölln” were often very funny and many a visitor took a “Lug” (funny lie) home with them and continued to tell them straight away.